Quiller and Blake is an independently owned, creatively driven advertising agency that creates strong and powerful ideas across all digital and traditional channels for our clients. We've been doing it for over 35 years and in this business that's something to be proud of. While other agencies arrive with fanfare and then are not so subtly absorbed into one of the multi-national sponges, Q&B has proudly stayed its independent course. It keeps us flexible and accountable, bringing craft, concept, and storytelling together.
To break through the heavy communications clutter in all markets today it is necessary to ignore industry norms and the way it has always been done, so potential customers are captured by something unexpected.
Q&B provides consulting services to a wide range of clients, on all aspectgs of marketing communications including branding, positioning, tone-of-voice and media selection. Our wealth of experience spans a diverse collection of markets and provides in-depth, whole marketing advice to many clients.
Don't expect us to copy your competitors because they are the leaders in your sector. Expect to become the leaders. We want to make your competition want to be like you. Developing your plan and building your brand, creating identities and optimizing integrated strategies. All in a days work.
Founder / CEO
President / CCO
Project Manager / New Business
Creative Director
Staff - Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm
(with the occasional all nighter)
Executives - 24/7
Located in the heart of Toronto.